jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019



Following the navigation of this book, and before going deeply into it, Matera challenge us to think and evaluate the pirate spirit that we have, deal with ourselves if we are educational real pirates, and in this way learn new ways to increase meaningful learning in our classroom.

In this short part the author encourage us to be Pirates with adventurous spirit and passion for what we do, pirates willing to take risks that lead us to find and educational treasure. 

1 comentario:

  1. Commented by: Luis Fernando Arroyo and Jorge Mercado

    We consider everyday we are exploring new ways to teach, we're exploring our students' way of thinking, our colleagues teaching practices, the environment, so we are Pirates 100%, exploring new worlds to get the right rooute to the treasure.
    As teachers we don't know the multiples ways and changes among the time, so we need to prepare ourselves for trips with storms and raining possibilities, or with sunny and hapy days. Do your best, and enjoy the trip no matter the strugles you would pass through.
