sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019



MYTH #1 Games are just for play. There is no challenge or educational rigor.
TRUTH Games are filled with a motivational complexity that can be used to shed light on topics and increase content acquisition.

MYTH #2 If I give them a badge or points, my class will be gamified. 
TRUTH Combining the many elements of game mechanics helps create memorable experiences that push students well beyond the bounds of the traditional classroom

MYTH #3 It’s easy for you. It won’t work for me because I teach ___________ [Fill in the Blank].
TRUTH Gamification works for all grade levels, subject areas, and educational budgets.

MYTH #4 You need to be a gamer to gamify your class.
TRUTH You do not have to be a gamer to get started.

MYTH #5 Students should want to learn; I shouldn’t have to dress it up! 
TRUTH Finding meaning in our content unlocks students’ motivation.

MYTH #6 Gamification is just playing games… 
TRUTH Gamification is more about exploration of the course, 
content, and your crew than it is about playing a game

Myth #7 Girls don’t game. 
TRUTH Girls not only game, they dominate the game world.

MYTH #8 My classroom doesn’t have enough technology to make this work. 
TRUTH Gamification can be high tech, low tech, or no tech

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